April 2020
This web-app helps players track attack modifiers and character perks when playing the board game Gloomhaven.
- JavaScript
- Svelte
March 2020
A virutal implementation of the board game Chameleon. All players know a secret word, except one person, the Chameleon. Try to blend in by saying a word related to the secret word, or get caught.
- NodeJS & Express
- React
- TypeScript
February 2020
A virtual implementation of the board game Codenames. Two teams each have a single spymaster who knows their teams words. Each spymaster gives clues to their respective teams in order to win the game. First team to complete their set of words without guessing the assassin card wins.
- NodeJS & Express
- React
- TypeScript
Google for a Day
December 2019
An implementation of Google-like indexing and searching web pages. This app indexes user-defined sites and allows the user to search for a term on the indexed sites.
- NodeJS & Express
- React
- TypeScript